I do like to think all my options through and so have spent a lot of time thinking about how best to complete my Higher Metal Clay Diploma , mostly at Mid Cornwall School of Jewellery. The diploma is made up of the following seven parts Art Clay level 1 Art Clay level 2 Introduction to Bronze and Copper Clay Grade 1 Metal Clay for beginners Grade 2 Metal Clay Intermediate Skills Grade 3 Metal Clay Advanced Grade 4 Metal Clay Design and Construction There is an alternate grade 4 class called 'Teaching Metal Clay Effectively'. I have no doubt that I would learn from this but as a qualified teacher with a Post Graduate Certificate in Education in the Post Compulsory and Training sector I already have a higher qualification. Plus I have ten years experience as a teacher. I feel the design and construction module is going to be a lot more challenging for me and so I have decided to do that. I have already completed my Art Clay Level 1 at the London Jewellery School so only 6 courses...
by Anna Campbell