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Showing posts from November, 2016

Motivation Monday - feelings are just visitors, let them come and go

Fingerprints and handprints - teaching silver clay jewellery classes this week

Silver handprint pendant, London Jewellery School It's been a fun week teaching some more advanced silver clay classes. First up was Prints and Drawings in Metal Clay at the London Jewellery School . This one day class is about making photopolymer plates featuring your own designs, drawings, child's drawings, hand prints, paw prints etc. The photopolymer plate can then be used as a mould to make silver clay jewellery. We had a lot of fun trying out our own drawings, printed images and taking our handprints! Unfortunately this class won't be running anymore at the London Jewellery School but I am happy to do it as a private tuition . Fingerprint jewellery, London Jewellery School I then also taught a fingerprint jewellery class at the London Jewellery School. This also uses silver clay. We looked at a couple of ways to take fingerprints, how to use letter stamps and carve letters into the clay to make some lovely finished pieces.  I also advised about setti...

Celebrating jewellery collaborations - the Pass it Along Project

In March I wrote a blog post for the London Jewellery School blog about the Pass it Along Project , a jewellery collaboration project spearheaded and collated by my colleague, LJS tutor Penny Akester to challenge jewellers to work with others from around the world on the same piece of jewellery. I participated in the challenge alongside fellow LJS tutors Penny Akester , Hayley Kruger , Helen Walls , Annie Mason and Natasha Williams . The first iteration of the project is now complete so I thought Iā€™d share some of the finished pieces. (This blog post was originally written for the London Jewellery School blog and has been adapted to post on my blog) What is the Pass it Along project? The Pass It Along project is a group jewellery making challenge ā€“ it is open to any jeweller who was interested in challenging themselves. It was designed to enable unexpected and unplanned collaboration between makers ā€“ to generate new ideas and inspiration, as well as connections with other...

Motivation Monday - know that you can start late, look different, be uncertain, and still succeed

Mindfulness - origami with silver!

As Iā€™m sure you noticed, the mindfulness craze for 2015 was adult colouring books. For 2016 it has been origami. But did you know that you can do origami with silver? For many of us jewellery making is a hobby; a way to relax and create away from our day to day lives. The need to concentrate on what we are doing allows us to be consciously aware and focusing in the moment rather than worrying about the future or thinking about the past. This is the elusive state of mindfulness. Iā€™m sure you canā€™t have missed articles and books on mindfulness over the last few years. Through research, mindfulness has been found to be beneficial to Reduce rumination (going over and over things in your head) Reduce stress Boost your working memory (this is an element of your short term memory) Improve your focus Increase flexibility in your thinking and problem solving abilities (For more information on this see the research from Davis and Hayes, 2012 ) There are a number...

Motivation Monday - decide


Motivation Monday - it's a terrible thing in life to wait until you're ready. Hugh Laurie

My first Huffington Post blog post

I'm really excited that I have been accepted as a blogger for the Huffington Post . My first blog post was published today and was chosen for the front page of the UK site which was doubly exciting! The topic of my blog post was 'Why the Uber tribunal ruling could ruin my life'  Do take a look and let me know your thoughts