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Showing posts from April, 2016

Places left on beaded jewellery weekend course, London

There are still a few places left on my beaded jewellery weekend course at the Mary Ward Centre Course code: 1529CS Saturday 14th May and Saturday 21st May 2016 10.30-5.30pm This course is aimed at people with no previous knowledge of making jewellery and for those wanting to broaden their skills. Students should be interested and inspired by using beads to create interesting and innovative pieces of jewellery. What does this course cover On this course you will be learning a variety of beading techniques including macramƩ, using wire etc. To make earrings necklaces bracelets your own findings (earring wires, clasps etc) You will learn the techniques in the first part of the course and then have the opportunity to work on your own projects and jewellery sets with tutor support

Motivation Monday - You'll turn out ordinary if you're not careful

Motivation Monday - the key to happiness is letting each situation be what it is instead of what you think it should be

Renting a jewellery studio in London

For those of you who follow my blog posts on the London Jewellery School blog you may have seen my post called Rent a studio or work from home: some thoughts on how to decide . Renting a jewellery studio, especially in London, is expensive and although I felt it would help me develop my career I decided at that point (in March) not to pursue the idea. But then serendipity intervened! I was working alongside my colleague at the Jewellery School Penny Akester and, in conversation, she told me that the person she was sharing a workshop with was moving out. Sharing is obviously more affordable than having a studio alone so we have had a look at the feasibility of working alongside each other. I am happy to say I will be sharing a studio with Penny at Craft Central from 1st May! Craft Central currently have two buildings near Farringdon station where they rent out studios to artists and crafters. We will be in Studio 36, Craft Central, 33-35 St Johnā€™s Square, London EC1M 4DS. I won...

Motivation Monday - feelings are just visitors. Let them come and go

Motivation Monday - beware of the half truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half