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Showing posts from April, 2015

Metal Clay Masters Registry

This blog post was originally written for the London Jewellery School blog which you can read here The Metal Clay Masters Registry is a structured program of metal clay projects that are independently evaluated. You work at your own pace and on your own to complete the pieces to the specifications of the project. There are fifty projects in all and after you have passed ten you are designated as having attained one level e.g. Masters Registry I, on passing the next ten you have attained Masters Registry II etc. At the time of writing no one has completed all fifty projects. There are two people in the world who have attained mastery level 4 (passing 40 projects) and theyā€™re both British! They include visiting LJS tutor Julia Rai and Lesley Messam . There are British artists currently at all levels. What are the categories? There are fifty projects altogether in five categories (ten projects per category). The categories are Construction Colour Materials Met...

Motivation Monday - the master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried


A visit to Exeter cathedral

Exeter cathedral, photo by Gary Ullah Gary and I had a week off last week and, as usual with our time off, we spent some time visiting a gothic cathedral! This time it was Exeter cathedral . We enjoyed a guided tour which I always like to do when I can as there's always something that you miss if you don't know to look.  I loved the colour in this cathedral. All buildings from this time would have been very brightly painted but much of this has worn away so it was lovely to see that colour in Exeter. You can see the rest of Gary's photos of Exeter cathedral here

Motivation Monday - note to self


Subscribe to Benchpeg

Every Sunday I look forward to the weekly email newsletter from Benchpeg . Benchpeg is an independent source of information for the British Jewellery industry and associated trades. If you subscribe each week you will receive a free email newsletter that includes industry news, jobs, opportunities, classified ads and more. Itā€™s a fantastic source of information for anyone at any level of the jewellery industry. Even if you're not based in the UK I'm sure you will find the news section interesting.  If you fancy giving it a try c lick here and fill out the form to subscribe

Motivation Monday - creativity is not a competition


Motivation Monday - make a list of things that make you happy


New course - jewellery: the design process

The  Mary Ward Centre is launching a summer school  this summer. There are loads of lovely courses to choose from. Do have a look.  I will be teaching a new three day course during the summer school, from 22nd to 24th July 10.30-4.30. The course is entitled Jewellery: the design process . It is very different from any of the jewellery classes that are run at the Centre as they always focus on making. On this course we will be focussing on design and inspiriaton.  Here is the blurb On this three day intensive course we will be focussing on the jewellery design process from inspiration and sketching through to designing a cohesive range. We will be looking at where we get inspiration including a sketchbook visit to the V&A jewellery gallery, learning the basics of technical drawing, making maquettes, understanding the processes of wax carving/casting for making multiples, hallmarking etc. as well as having the time to work on your own designs for f...