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Showing posts from July, 2014

I am always learning

Source I love learning new things and the summer break gives me more time to indulge in that! This summer I will be learning how to make polymer clay bangles make soutache jewellery make collage brooches carve with metal clay wax carve and cast The balance for me is to ensure I put my learning into practice and not just carry on to the next thing! But I have found that all of the things I've learnt feed into my design work and that can only be a good thing. 

Motivation Monday - how to stay motivated


Motivation Monday - expect nothing, appreciate everything


No makes way for yes

It's been over a year now since I gave up my full time job in a university to teach part time and work on my jewellery. When I first started out doing this I panicked about money. If there aren't enough students in my classes my teaching is cancelled and I'm not paid. I don't get paid more than statutory holiday pay and my main teaching college isn't open for over four months of the year. People buy my jewellery or they don't. So to start with I was saying yes to everything that came my way knowing that some of it would come off and some wouldn't. It has led me to weeks where everything was on and I was running myself ragged! It has also led me to do work I wouldn't normally choose to do because the offer was there. Now I am starting to say no to things that I don't really want to do even though they pay. And it leaves more time for me, it tells people that I am not always available, it tells people what I enjoy doing. There's always got to b...

Motivation Monday - you live every day, you only die once


Good Housekeeping magazine interview

I was asked by the press officer at the London Jewellery School to come along to an interview with a journalist from Good Housekeeping magazine. This is the feature! Click here to read the whole piece

Motivation Monday - let go or be dragged


Pantone colours for autumn 2014 jewellery inspiration

This blog post was first posted on the London Jewellery School blog on 2nd July 2014 and has been adapted to go onto my blog too! Pantone are the self styled ā€˜global authority on colorā€™ and their announcements are taken seriously in the fashion marketplace. The colours they have announced for the autumn season are an interesting and unusual palate. These are likely to be well represented in the high street so having jewellery that goes will ensure youā€™re ahead of the trend. Purples and mauve feature heavily in the report. Radiant orchid was announced as the colour of the year and is still trending going into autumn/winter. This necklace from shamelessly sparkly is very now but would also create a great contrast worn with darker autumn colours. Mauve mist is similar to radiant orchid but slightly more muted. These micro macrame earrings bring some lovely texture to the colour. Sea fog is a bluer shade of mauve. Check out these enamel earrings from Ox Art ...