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Showing posts from March, 2013

New website launched!

My new and improved website is now launched! Designed using the very user-friendly website creation tool  weebly . I am really pleased with the way it looks The main differences The background colour (it used to be navy). I think the white looks much cleaner The new slider on the front page. This gives a better flavour of what I do and I'm pleased with the effect A new logo (or, a logo! I haven't really had one before!). Designed by Gary at Crafty Websites  I love that it looks like a wave and I love the stars! I've updated some of the content My blog has been changed to reflect the website  Come and have a look and let me know what you think by commenting below

Screenprinting fun!

Yesterday I had a fun evening with London Textiles Studios  at Craft Central learning how to screenprint. I took along a printed photo of my best selling bracelet because I thought the licorice allsort would lend itself well to a screenprint. I was pleased with the result, have a look!

Motivation Monday - you have the potential to make beautiful things


Website developments

Here's a little peek at my new website header. I've been working on some changes to my website. They're not quite finished yet but I'll let you know when I change over! Here's my current website header so you can see it is a big change!

Motivation Monday - comparison is the thief of joy

Print available from Cardvark Designs on Etsy

Motivation Monday - she believed she could so she did

Print available from The Silver Spider on Etsy

New designs, new sweetie jewellery

Dolly mixtures necklace I have been working on some new mouthwatering jewellery pieces that I have recently added to my etsy shop . Here are some photos Dolly mixtures necklace Ā£26 Dolly mixtures bracelet Dolly mixtures bracelet Ā£10 I love wearing this as it has such uplifting colours Dolly mixtures earrings Dolly mixtures earrings Ā£4.50 Available in purple, mint green, brown, yellow and orange/yellow Licorice allsort necklace Licorice allsort necklace Ā£26   I have been selling the multi-coloured licorice allsort necklaces for a while now. I was commissioned to make a necklace of all one colour and now offer this on etsy. You can choose between orange, pink, brown and yellow. Flumps marshmallow stretch bracelet Spring time charm bracelet   Flumps marshmallow stretch bracelet Ā£10 Spring time charm bracelet Ā£10 Foam banana sweetie earrings Foam banana sweetie earrings Ā£4 ...

Motivation Monday - inspiration needs to find you working

Copyright Mae Chevrette available on Etsy